Most of the faculties of the Universidade da Coruña are in the Elviña
and Zapateira campuses, 6,6 km (4 miles) from the city centre. To reach
them you need to take the urban buses.
The E‑Universidad
/ UDC bus line connects the city centre (Juan Flórez street, no.
10, near
the Plaza de Pontevedra) with these two campuses. During the course,
the bus runs every 5 minutes during the rush hours.
You'll find information about routes,
timetable, possibility for trasbordo
(changes) in the Coruña buses, etc. at the bus company
Faculty of Philology
University of A Coruña
Campus da Zapateira
15008 A Coruña (Spain)
T. +34 881 011 860
F. +34 981 167 151
felix . cordoba @ udc . es